How to Keep Fleas and Ticks at Bay

No matter what type of dog you own or what other pets you have in the home, you need to make sure those animals are protected from fleas and ticks. Fleas and ticks are more than a mere annoyance - they can cause serious health problems as well. Taking the time to shop for the best flea and tick products is the best way to make sure all your animals are protected and healthy.
Use Flea and Tick Products
Frontline is one of the most popular flea and tick protection products for dog owners. This once a month protection is applied directly to the animal's skin, generally between the shoulder blades.
One of the advantages of Frontline protection is that it kills not only adult fleas and ticks, but flea and tick eggs and larvae as well. If you have cats in the home, you can purchase Frontline for cats and protect them as well.
K9 Advantix
K9 Advantix by Bayer Animal Health is one of the most popular flea and tick protection products on the market as it's very accessible and affordable to dog owners.
K9 Advantix kills fleas and ticks, but it also kills mosquitoes - an important consideration for pet owners in many parts of the country. K9 Advantix is a spot-on program, with dog owners applying it in three or four spots along the animal's back, after first parting the hair so that the protection is applied directly to the skin.
Maintain Good Hygiene
Flea Shampoos
In addition to using flea and tick protection products, using natural flea shampoos is another option dog owners have for keeping their pets ticks and fleas at bay. In order to work effectively, the dog must be bathed regularly with a medicated shampoo that repels fleas and ticks. This topical treatment should be combined with regular vacuuming of the home to remove flea eggs and larvae.
Be sure to empty the vacuum cleaner bag immediately after cleaning the house to make sure the flea larvae and eggs are not inadvertently returned to the home. Using flea brushes and flea combs on a regular basis is important as well, and using flea shampoos, careful vacuuming and flea combs is an excellent way to keep those parasites at bay.
By using these products and practicing proper animal hygiene, you can keep those creepy crawlies at bay and increase the comfort level of all the pets in your home. Treating all of the pets in your home with quality flea and tick products is the best way to protect yourself and your four legged friends.
Want to protect your furry friend from nasty fleas and ticks? Our online store stocks heavily discounted (up to 50% off) flea and tick products, including Frontline and K9 Advantix.