How to help a cat with matted fur

If your cat has mats in his fur, it may be a sign of a health problem. Here are some common reasons cats stop maintaining their coats.
How to help a cat with matted fur
Cats have around 130,000 hairs on each square inch of their bodies, which adds up to a lot of maintenance when it comes to grooming. For the most part, our feline companions are experts at keeping up their coats, but sometimes mats occur, especially in long-hair breeds. Dreadlocks can lead to health problems such as feces or urine becoming trapping in tangled fur and irritated skin when mats prevent oxygen and moisture from reaching the surface tissue, so it is important to stay on top of Kitty’s coat hygiene. Here are some tips for removing dreadlocks and some of the likely culprits behind your pet’s unkempt coat.
Matted coats can occur for any number of reasons, including oral disease, loss of flexibility, stress or your pet generally feeling poorly. Because cats bath using their barbed tongues, their mouths are their primary grooming tool. If your pet is experiencing pain from periodontal disease or another infection of the mouth, he is likely to avoid bathing. Another reason your cat may not be maintaining his coat is loss of flexibility due to arthritis or obesity. Stress can also create changes in your pet’s bathing habits, as some cats will over-groom when feeling anxious and create bald spots while others may feel too stressed to divert their attention to bathing. Other causes include any ailment that leads your cat feeling under the weather, including anemia, kidney disease, cancer and a host of other problems. Whatever the cause, ceasing to bath is a sign your pet is not feeling well and it is important to address the underlying causes.
When you notice your cat starting to slack on his grooming habits, bring him to the veterinarian for a checkup. Your vet should conduct a full physical exam and urine screening to find out why he is avoiding bathing. To assist your pet, brush him daily with a steel tooth comb. You can also rub him with a damp wash cloth to mimic his natural tongue bathing. Be careful to avoid using scissors to cut out mats, as this can lead to cutting your pet’s skin. If your companion has a mat you simply cannot comb out, bring him to the vet or groomers to have it safely removed. The longer your pet’s fur, the more likely it is to tangle, so make grooming a part of his daily routine. You can check for knots by running your fingers through his coat during brushing, helping untangle any dreadlocks before they become impossible to brush out.